Sunday 28 August 2011

Thing 14: Zotero / Mendeley / citeulike

Mendeley I chose as it seemed to be more platform independent that Zotero. I have used it before and was glad to see the documents I had listed in my account were either there in pdf format, or could be searched for and found on the web.

I had a look at the groups and there seemed to some of passing interest ; I would think that it is a good tool if people with similar interests are out there waiting to be connected with, or you already know them and use the tool to share research interests.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Thing 13: Google Docs, Wikis and Dropbox

Google docs and Dropbox are very useful tools:

Google docs is great for creating spreadsheets and documents even if you don't have the MS Office software and are accessible everywhere on the web.

Dropbox just keeps all items online like Google docs, but is a simpler conceptually and great for working on projects off multiple pcs and locations, avoiding all the problem of version control.


I found pbworks good to host issues relating to e-resources for a regional special interest group. Indeed these are great tools, but it is only by use that they build up valuable content.

As such wikis can be used for knowledge management, can be searched quite efficiently, and of course have all the advantages of being online, access-controlled, and with a relatively simple user interface for editing.

Thing 12 - putting the social in social media

I have been impressed with number of groups that one can join via linked in - the CSG Information Literacy group being one I joined.

There is a lot out there and more exploring will follow ...

Getting to a social state with online groups is certainly a thought worthy of consideration. At the moment I use regional email lists for quick answers at work, and colleagues are very helpful. I have used national mailing lists also - LIS-medical being a prime and very useful one.

Social media has been just a way to keep up with friends. Expanding its use for career development is a worthwhile aim, but should have sensible objectives, and always entail the sense of working together that is helpful for everyone.

Of course time can be saved by doing things digitally and remotely. Off to hunt for someone or some new group to add to my network...

Advantages of social networks for CPD
Learning from other professionals
Save time by interacting online

Information overload, distraction

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Thing 11 - mentoring

I have had a mentor who has helped me through the chartership process. I can recommend that you look for a mentor and can say without doubt that it can be really helpful on lots of levels. It was refreshing to see that many of the issue affecting libraries are the same, no matter what type of parent institution one it is located in, such as the academic, specialised and public areas.

A good question is how I will continue with a mentor once chartership has finished. I certainly feel it is worthwhile, and will follow up the links provided by 23 things, when it hasn't been a long day at work!!!

Thing 10 - Graduate traineeships, Masters Degrees, Chartership, Accreditation

What I do?
I have worked in a medical library for 2 years in the UK as an Assistant librarian, and am in the process of applying for chartership, having assembled a portfolio for that purpose.

Is it interesting or not? That's an important question. I have heard it said that of any job you will find 10-20% most interesting. Which leads me back to thing 5 on reflection.

In particular I liked Burton's

So what?
Now what

Another tool to clarify what it is one enjoys and what motivates one in one's job is to picture exactly what that is and how you would communicate it to another person.

How I got there?
Having done a variety of jobs I decided to to a Msc in ILS which I did in the Robert Gordon University. From there I did a placement in the National Library of Scotland, and thence to a medical library, based in a hospital, in the NHS.

Thing 9 - Evernote

I like this quite a lot. It allows me to write up notes on things that are diverse and to add files. For example when my Grandmother appeared on the Irish Times during the recent census I bookmarked the page. But with evernote I can store it elsewhere.

I will use Evernote as it's a really convenient way to store ideas and so on. And quite a good idea since such a lot of stuff is out there, which we come across, and to to be able to make a note of it somewhere easily, is a facility that needed.

Continuing with the question regarding the appropriateness of putting information on these applications, has anyone read Delete..?

Monday 1 August 2011

Thing 8 - Google Calendar

This seems quite good - and I will try to load more events on to it and get used to using it. The features I am told by fans are cool, like being able to hide events of a certain colour. Added the gadget to my igoogle page and have set up text alerts.

Can't see my workplace adopting it - but I can always try!

It will be interesting to see who will be able to share events with it.

Thursday 28 July 2011

Thing 7 - Face-to-face networks and professional organisations

CILIP - I am a member and find their various publications interesting. I am chartering and have attended two chartership events which were motivating and helped to clarify the process. I see there are various special interest groups and there in I might try to participate more.

I have worked in regional NHS librarian groups, that is two SIGs: a group for trainers of users of online medical information, and a marketing group. Both have provided motivation, being a place where professional expertise is shared, and by joining in in group endeavors the milestones along the way are targets to achieve. Basically I have learned a lot through the SIGs and would recommend them. However taking on responsibilities needs to considered carefully, given how busy we information professionals can find ourselves.

I would definitely be interested in following interests such as research in ILS, and librarianship worldwide. I think it's a question of priorities and focus.

Thursday 21 July 2011

Thing 6 - online networks

Linkedin seems really useful, and after signing up to the CILIP and 23 things groups, it seems as if it might be useful tool for contacts in the future.

My Facebook account is not linked to work.
I have seen it work quite well for announcing events for organisations like the National Library of Scotland. So for organisations it could work quite well, getting in touch with people on social networks, but in a sensible way and without encroaching..

Sunday 17 July 2011

Thing 5 - reflective practice -

Opening salvo - I feel like putting the guns on the table -

It is undoubtedly a valuable practice, and that's where I lay the emphasis, as however much it is talked about, it's in the doing that the benefits are realized.

So as much as writing a commitment in a blog can purport to supporting real lived actions I hereby solemnly swear to follow it ... yes a rather preposterous tone indeed.

And it is good to see that humour and not-taking-oneself too seriously exists and is alive and well e.g. Natalyfay

A rifle through the links provided by cpd23 has got me setting my sights..

As for a structural device to write reflectively I would refer to Elaine Andrew's
Description - interpretation - Outcome

In Thoughts on learning processes and other musings there is a good description of Schon's reflection in action, reflection on action, as well as the interesting suggestion of using an alternative genre for reflective practice. An EXPLOSIVE idea!

'focussed stream of consciousness writing':- now there's an oxymoron I would be interested in implementing.
The round-up of reflective models(Greenway, Burton, kolb, Gibbs) is atomic, but usefully so. I thought that if you are trying to decide on what is worth reflecting upon, Burton's
What? So what? Now what
might be a useful shortcut to victory.

For the teaching/training aspect of my role (Assistant librarian in a health setting - an NHS hospital) Toby Adam's presentation brings lesson planning into the reflective cycle.

Reflective practice in Healthcare
It's a big time theme and I won't pretend to be knowledgeable about it but I can recommend (and as Sarah Stewart cites) Beverley Taylor's Reflective practice: a guide for nurses and midwives(2000), in particular for the practical exercises and the different types of reflection which are examined in some detail: - communicative(surrender or your dead), technical(we've got bigger, sleeker, sharper stones than you) & emancipatory (let's sign a peace accord and get back to living).

I hope my militaristic allusions upset no one. I was simply trying to make this writing more entertaining for myself.

Tuesday 5 July 2011

thing 4 twitter RSS pushnote

I found it cool enough, but alas as with so much of the web, boredom is the danger. I used to just subscribe to one or two prolific monster tweeters. And be they as clear-noted and resilient as Hardy's Darkling Thrush one does tire in the absence of a plurality of birdsong.

Thanks to CPD23's recommendations, I have found more tweeters to follow, and so the plot thickens..

Yes Twitter is cool, especially the way you can recommend an article which many seem to insert with a shortened URL...
for example see @alanfricker recommending Steve Thornton's article on workplace research on the 8/7/11 at 15.53 >>>>that can't be a good way of recommending what somebody else recommended on about a hyperlink?

Have used it a bit in set up Google reader, but that's not so accessible at work, so tends not to get looked at. Heard I. Kuhn recommend netvibes, perhaps that would display better and get around the IT restrictions at work

Feeds do provide access to info, but how to avoid death by mundane info sunami! Just have to stand up and surf I guess

Tried this and it's cool, a way to comment on sites and then push the comment onto your twitter or facebook page, and ever so simple...thanks CPD23!

Recommended by a librarian in manchester, basically you download it on to all your devices <<<-for me that's an iphone, twice resurrected macbook, unbelieveably slow yet reliable 10 year old dell laptop.... >>>
So you've got this folder with all your docs and and they are all up to date, no more toing and froing with darn usb's greaaaaat!

The chartership portfolio - no excuses now, it's in the saintly cloud!

Thing 3 marketing

Yes it's a great idea to personalise one's image or make it singular. After who want's to be a stereotype or use the template everyone else does, or maybe that's cool, same but different theme.

If this all sounds like teenage angst I best get to the point.

Yes it would be cool to personalise. How ? I would imagine by using cool graphics and becoming more web literate. Anyone have any ideas on how to be more graphically adept, as in what programs (preferably free) to try ones hand at?

More web literate - I mean just looking around and knowing what one likes, I guess that's different from like investigating the usability of web stuff.

Well I recommend stumbleupon as a great way to explore the web. You can specify your interests and receive weekly emails with links to related sites. It does really through up some interesting sites.

Friday 24 June 2011

Thing 2 - looking at some blogs

I randomly chose some blogs to view and was surprised by how interesting they were. I also got that sense of hyper that comes from interacting online with the traces of others' thoughts and thinking about how interconnected the web can encourage us to be.

It was good to see someone like Valerie in her blog talk of coming back to this activity.

Going further a posting on Action by havoc also talked of being familiar with these tools, but perhaps not with a purpose as exploratory, reflective and professionally situated as lots of Info. Professionals (and others) getting together virtually in 23things and doing it.

And that for me is the inspiring part of it;- the contextual purpose. Sure I have blogged before, but am sure no one really looked at it, and probably am glad they didn't!

Next of all Addicted to Story talked about the importance of having something to say. This is interesting, as blogging just to promote oneself as I mentioned in my first post, would be rather shallow. I appreciated the humour in this post as well: shall we turn into a

supersonic library blogging monster

Just wish I could be a monster devourer of blog content ...

Lastly in the Adventures of a red headed traveller the problem of travelling to a country like Burma was discussed, ah here I found content that was close to my heart. Having being along the thai-burmese border a few years ago, I felt at first hand the pangs of consternation of handing over 10$ to a border guard when I had just past thousands of his burmese locked up in refugee camps in Thailand, and heard the shelling of some poor faction along the border.

Blogging as an Information Professional

Sure this (bloggging) has to be one of the important uses of the internet today. I would imagine there are great opportunities for networking, idea generation, staying aware of developments, professional promotion. Balanced against of course the time and energy spent and actual utility of the content for everyday work.

Of course this has to be tried out. Simply negating its value before real experience of blogging wouldn't be very enlightened.

So I am thankful to the organisers of this course for their help!

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Thing 1 - Why I'm doing the 23things course

This course is for CPD, and because as the web now allows us to publish more ourselves, it is good to learn about how everybody is doing it. I have used some of these applications before, but in different contexts, and think there is always more to learn.

Hopefully it will be fun also!

Thoughts on links and presentations
Ned Porter's argues that a good motivation to get an online presence is that it could be the winning element in job applications: - point taken.
But hopefully all bloggers are not so career obsessed, as their blogs would be incredibly shallow and boring if that were the primary motivation!

blog by Bobbi L. Newman
Looks like some interesting stuff, what's transliteracy?